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Bohin Tapestry no. 16

Bohin synåle
Bohin synåle

"The French Bohin brand was established in 1833. In the factory located in Normandy, Bohin produces the most beautiful needles and high-quality pins according to tradition. Bohin’s product assortment also includes scissors, thimbles, buttons, pincushions, seam rippers and much more.

Made in France in our factory, from nickel-plated steel, our needles go through 27 manufacturing stages, which guarantees an incomparable slide and an irreproachable tip.

5 stk. lange og tykke synåle med et stort nåleøje. Synålen kan fx bruges til samling af strikkedele og korsstingsbroderi.
Pris pr. pakke
Pris ved 1Stk. 30,00 DKK

Varenummer BHTN16
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Link til producent Bohin

"The French Bohin brand was established in 1833. In the factory located in Normandy, Bohin produces the most beautiful needles and high-quality pins according to tradition. Bohin’s product assortment also includes scissors, thimbles, buttons, pincushions, seam rippers and much more.

Made in France in our factory, from nickel-plated steel, our needles go through 27 manufacturing stages, which guarantees an incomparable slide and an irreproachable tip.

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Bohin Tapestry no. 24

Bohin synåle
6 stk. lange og tykke synåle med et stort nåleøje og en rundet spids, der gør dem velegnet til korsstingbroderi eller samling af strikkedele.
Pris pr. pakke
30,00 DKK  


Afrundet nål til at trække snor/elastik gennem en løbegang. Træknålen er langt mere effektiv end en sikkerhedsnål. Træknålen er 6,5 cm. lang.
Pris pr. stk.
10,00 DKK  

Nåleetui palisander

Nåle etui i træ
Cylinderformet etui til opbevaring af synåle. Etuiet er lavet af palisander træ med kobber skruelukning. Røret er 1,7 cm. i ydre diameter og kan opbevare nåle med en længde på op til 7 cm.
Pris pr. stk.
30,00 DKK  

Fibre Mood Symagasin #17

Fibre Mood symagasin #17 forside
Bliv klar til vinteren med Fibre Mood #17.
Fibre Mood er et symagasin med moderne snitmønstre.
95,00 DKK